Licensing Information & Volume Discounts
To order a license, all you need to do is to download, install & start the related software product from our web site (see the Download menu link from the above right sided menu). When the program starts, it shall ask you if you want to buy a license... It can't get easier than that.
You can also purchase your license directly from our web site, by clicking on the Buy Now buttons available on almost all our product pages.
Please make sure your browser is set to allow popups in order to load the pages linked from below:
Volume discounts table;
Tutorial on how to purchase your license;
Ordering & payment options;
Online transaction security & license protection;
Other benefits of licensed users;
End-User License Agreement (EULA) - download text file;
30 days refund policy, no questions asked;
Our policy on product upgrades;
Technical FAQ - Ordering & Licensing;
Lost your license? Click here.
License activation problems? See our service support forum.
For problems related to your order, billing method or any other payment related issue, please contact our payment provider, Avangate B.V., on the 24/7 hotline for shopper support: Tel: +31 88 000 0008 (24 hour support). Purchase invoices are available by request.
Generic system requirements for our software products: Microsoft Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 / Microsoft Office 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 / Outlook 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 (x32 and x64).